19 Eylül 2012 Çarşamba

Housing Allowance Designation of IRC 403(b) Distributions


Are Internal Revenue Code 403(b) distributions (to aminister over the age of 59 ½) that are designated as housing allowance inexcess of housings costs subject to self-employment tax, or are they onlysubject to income tax as regular income?


If a minister owns a home, the amount excluded from theminister’s gross income as a housing allowance is limited to the least of thefollowing: (a) the amount actually used to provide a home, (b) the amountofficially designated as a housing allowance, or c) the fair rental value ofthe home.

As with virtually all retirement plan distributions, noself-employment tax is due on 403(b) distributions.

The members of my Federal Taxation I class at MaranathaBaptist Bible College in Watertown, Wisconsin have taken on the challenge ofstudy and research to answer posted questions. Mariya Bondarenko of Minnesota getscredit for this one.

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