Due date of return.
File individual taxpayers the due date for 2010 tax return is April 18, 2011 instead of April 15, 2011.
Standard Deduction and Personal Exemption
Standard Deduction
Single ... $5,700 (add $1,400 for Blind/Elderly)
Married Filing Jointly ... $11,400 (add $1,100 for Blind/Elderly)
Head of Household ... $8,350 (add $1,400 for Blind/Elderly)
Married Filing Separately ... $5,700 (add $1,100 for Blind/Elderly)
Dependent ... Greater of $950 or sum of $300 and individual's earned income
Personal Exemption
Standard mileage rates.
For 2010, the standard mileage rate for the cost of operating your car for business use is 50 cents a mile, for medical reasons is 16½ cents a mile for the cost of operating your car for determining moving expenses is 16½ cents a mile.
Limits on personal exemptions and overall itemized deductions ended.
For 2010, you do not lose part of your deduction for personal exemptions and itemized deductions, regardless of the amount of your adjusted gross income (AGI).
Temporary increase in the earned income tax credit (EITC) for taxpayers with three or more qualifying children
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) provides a temporary increase in the earned income tax credit (EITC) for taxpayers with three or more qualifying children. The maximum EITC for this new category is $5,657. These changes apply to 2009 and 2010 tax returns.
The EITC credit begins to phase out at $21,420 for married taxpayers filing a joint return with children and completely phases out at $40,463 for one child, $45,295 for two children and $48,279 for three or more children. For married taxpayers filing a joint return with no children, the credit begins to phase out at $12,470 and completely phases out at $18,440.
Additional Child Tax Credit
Under ARRA more families will be eligible for the additional child tax credit, which is a refundable credit.ARRA reduces the minimum earned income amount used to calculate the additional child tax credit to $3,000. Before ARRA, the minimum earned income amount was set to rise to $12,550. This change applies to tax years beginning in 2009 and 2010.
American Opportunity Credit for college education expenses
Under ARRA, the American Opportunity Credit modifies the existing Hope Credit for tax years 2009 and 2010, making the Hope Credit available to a broader range of taxpayers, including many with higher incomes and those who owe no tax. The credit can be claimed for four post-secondary education years instead of two, and it also adds required course materials to the list of qualifying expenses. The maximum annual credit is $2,500 per student. Use Form 8863 Education Credit.
The full credit is available to individuals whose modified adjusted gross income is $80,000 or less, or $160,000 or less for married couples filing a joint return. The credit is phased out for taxpayers with incomes above these levels. These income limits are higher than under the existing Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits.
If you choose to file as married filing separately you cannot take education credits, the deduction for student loan interest, or the tuition and fees deduction.
Self-employed health insurance deduction.
Effective March 30, 2010, if you were self-employed and paid for health insurance, you may be able to include in your self-employed health insurance deduction any premiums you paid to cover your child who was under age 27 at the end of 2010, even if the child was not your dependent.
First-time homebuyer credit.
You generally cannot claim the credit for a home you bought after April 30, 2010. However, you may be able to claim the credit if you entered into a written binding contract before May 1, 2010, to buy the home before July 1, 2010, and actually bought the home before October 1, 2010. Also, certain members of the Armed Forces and certain other taxpayers have additional time to buy a home and take the credit.
Homeowner's Energy Credit & Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit
Homeowner's energy credit is available for 2009 and 2010. The credit is thirty percent with a maximum of $1,500 for windows, doors, furnaces, water boilers, skylights, pellet stoves and insulation. Any credits received in previous years, do not effect this maximum credit amount.
For residential energy efficient property the credit is 30% of your costs of qualified property. Qualified properties include solar electric, solar water heating, fuel cell, small wind energy, and geothermal heat pump.
To take the credit, complete Form 5695 Residential Energy Credits. Enter the credit on line 52 of Form 1040 and check box c.
Making Work Pay Credit
Taxpayers with earned income will get Making Work Pay credit. It is 6.2% of your earned income with a maximum of $400 ($800 if married filing jointly). You must file schedule M (Form 1040 or 1040A) to claim the credit. Include the credit on line 63 of Form 1040 or line 40 of Form 1040A. If you are filing Form 1040-EZ, include the credit on line 8 and do not file schedule M. Those with AGI of more than $95,000 ($190,000 if married filing jointly), nonresidents and dependents do not get this credit.
Roth IRAs
Beginning in 2010, you can make a qualified rollover contribution to a Roth IRA regardless of the amount of your modified AGI.Also, half of any income that results from a rollover or conversion to a Roth IRA from another retirement plan in 2010 is included in income in 2011, and the other half in 2012, unless you elect to include all of it in 2010.
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Your Filing Status
1. Filing Status for Married
2. Head of Household
Exemptions for Dependents
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2. Child of separated or divorced parents
Filing Requirements
1. 2009 Filing Requirements
2. 2008 Filing Requirements
3. Filing Requirement for a Dependent
Your Income
1. W2 vs 1099-Misc: Employee vs Independent Contractor
2. Tax Filing by Self Employed Sole Proprietor or Independent Contractor
3. Partnerships
4. Filing W4 Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
5. Missing W2, 1099-Misc, 1099-R, 1099-Int
Your Foreign Income
1. U.S. Citizen or Resident with Foreign Income
2. Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
Income Exemptions and Deductions
1. Moving Expenses
2. Itemized deductions
3. Student Loan Interest Deductions
Income Adjustment
1. Traditional IRA and Roth IRA
2. Elective Deferrals 401(k) Plans
U.S. Gift tax and Inheritance Tax
1. The U.S. Gift Tax
2. Tax on Inheritances
Sale of Your Home
1. Profit from the Sale of Your Home
2. Foreclosure or Repossession of Main Home
3. First-Time Homebuyer Credit
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